Life according to my first digital camera

The first digital camera I ever bought with money I earn from my first job was a Canon point-and-shoot camera. Before that I would buy a series of cheap point-and-shoot 35 mm cameras and one-time-use cameras with money I earned through meager allowances and babysitting gigs. The Canon camera was my first big purchase in my life — it was the first items I bought in my life that was more than $50 — actually I remembered it was around the ballpark of $250+ in the early 2000s. At the time, my Canon point-and-shoot was the most expensive thing I owned and I was devoted to taking care of it, hoping it would last me a long time. From my senior year in high school at 17 years to 23 years old, it had a pretty good lifespan. Here is where it took me according to my Canon:

Lens Artists #133– My Photography Journey

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Eat, Play, Live - my personal blog Buoyancy Blog Project - a blog about resilience

9 thoughts on “Life according to my first digital camera”

  1. These are beautiful photos around the world with your Canon point-and-shoot. I, too, had the Canon for years and carried it to many places. Thank you for sharing your Journey, Julie.


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