
Large to small

This is an interesting challenge. It reminds me of those cardboard children’s books where each page there is a small cutout of a color and it leads you another object to the next page and on to the next page. If this was a children’s book, it would a color feature and the first page would start off as a large object going down to a small object with that color.

I decided for this challenge to play with the color yellow because it’s warm, inviting, and fun. Plus, I wanted some excuse to share a photo of the gigantic Rubber Duck sculpture. I remembered when the duck arrived to San Pedro many years ago, I dragged my boyfriend (now husband) to go check it out after work. I think if it were to make a children’s board book around the color yellow, these photos could pull it off…

Here are some colors from large and small across the blogosphere!

…plus other fellow yellows!

Lens-Artist Challenge: Large to Small

CMMC – June Color – Yellow

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Eat, Play, Live - my personal blog Buoyancy Blog Project - a blog about resilience

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