Halloween weekend

I know, a late #weekendcoffeeshare post. It will be short too. Hopefully, I can expand more the following weekend.

It was a busy weekend. We went to my cousin’s kid’s first birthday in San Diego. That was a lot of fun. Later we saw some old friends. We intended to stay at one of our friend’s place for the night and go back home to LA the following morning but Lana could not get herself to sleep. She kept crying and tossing and turning. We decided it was best to leave and go back home. We arrived home this morning at 2 AM.

Thankfully Lana slept through the car ride and through the night as soon as we got home. And we got some rest too. We decided to hold off on traveling for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.

Today is Halloween. We are not doing trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, instead we decided to go to the mall. She can prance around her pumpkin costume and participating stores can give her some sweets though we are not letting her eat it for now.

Overall it was a good weekend despite the two hour late night drive.

Currently reading:

Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow (e-book from the library)

Book finished:

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

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Eat, Play, Live - my personal blog Buoyancy Blog Project - a blog about resilience

6 thoughts on “Halloween weekend”

  1. Precious photo of Lana in her Halloween costume. Hopefully there wasn’t much traffic during your late night drive. Thank you for your #weekendcoffeeshare.


  2. Lana looks like a little doll. I love that your blog is a record of your young lives together as a family. All the struggles and the joys will be like a living picture album as Lana gets older. 🙂

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