My sock

We are more than halfway through May. Earlier this week I asked my supervisor if we were closing the office early on Friday, May 24th. She asked “why?” I said, “Because we’ll be entering a three-day weekend. Memorial Day is that Monday.” She reviewed the calendar and was just as surprised that the end of the month was approaching.

Continue reading My sock

Normalizing healthy choices as an adult

On Thursday I got my permanent crown for my molar. After the dentist appointment was my annual health check-up. I did the blood test to learn that my triglycerides were high. They’re just outside the normal range but it was enough for me to worry. It’s been over two years since I’ve had an annual check-up and a lot in my life has changed. I don’t want my triglycerides to trend upward.

Continue reading Normalizing healthy choices as an adult

I could be going on a bad date or I could…

I am happy to report I feel much better. My energy is back. I’ve been less sick. Maybe it was that darn tooth all along.

Continue reading I could be going on a bad date or I could…

Red eye

My weekend plans consist of taking eye drops every two hours while I am awake. That started this morning. Since Thursday I’ve been dealing with puffy red eyes. The crazy thing was there was no headache and no itchiness and no blurry vision. It just looks really bad. I haven’t worn my contacts since Wednesday. I spent my Thursday rinsing my eyes, putting a cold towel over my eyes to manage the puffiness, and going to bed early. That last part, I really tried to go to bed early.

Continue reading Red eye

Weekly Update

I know there’s no Weekend Coffee Share, but I am going to share my update for the week.

This week I had my first appointment of many future appointments with a chiropractor for my left shoulder, upper left back, and neck.

What happened?

Continue reading Weekly Update

Routines and things

I got hit with my first cold of 2024. Ugh….

Also, it is very very cold in Los Angeles. On Friday morning, the thermometer read 41 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius).

This week came into full swing. Aside from a full week of work, the builders came back to continue the work on the kitchen. They just installed the new countertops and sink. I ordered a new faucet from Lowe’s and that arrived this morning. I am waiting for the air gap, which should come in later this week, and then finally…my dishwasher! I ordered my dishwasher a month ago. It’s with the installer, but at the time we were waiting on the electric work, plumbing, and countertops. I was too excited because I’ll finally get a dishwasher!

I am trying to work a routine to make life easier. During the work week and school week, I will put Lana to bed at 9 pm leaving me with two hours to myself to read e-mails, read and comment on blogs, read a book, do a little bit of cleaning, and if I can, watch TV. Even though I put Lana to bed at 9 pm, she still asks for things in between so those two hours are interrupted. The reason why I don’t watch TV during the week is that I worry she might hear it and stay awake. I go to bed at 11 pm which is the latest time where I can still get enough sleep for the following workday. My mornings are the most hectic time of day because I have to get myself and my kid out the door by 7 AM. Most of my writing and photo reviewing are done on the weekends either really late at night or on a weekend morning when I let Lana sleep in.

I remind myself as always, this is all temporary. She’ll get the hang of a 9 pm bedtime.

Next weekend we’re going to Disneyland! I bought the tickets a while ago because the kid’s tickets were on sale. It’s $50 for kids between the ages of 3-9 years old but the catch was that the tickets were for visits between January 8th to the end of March(?). I assume it’s because it’s after New Year’s and before spring break and graduation events. We only got the tickets for Disneyland. I’ve never been to California Adventure — maybe when she’s older or if I go with a group of friends. But really, if I was out with a group of friends, we’d either go hiking or window shopping — they’re free :-P.

This week’s beverage is the Aloha White Mocha from Shaka Coffee in San Diego. It’s a coffee with white chocolate and banana.

Yerba mate anyone?

If you were coming over to my house, you’d have the choice between coffee or yerba mate. I’ve been trying to cut back on my coffee drinking by trying out other coffee alternatives. Do you have any coffee alternatives?

Continue reading Yerba mate anyone?

Being under a spell never leads to anything good

Where should I begin? A lot has been going on…

Continue reading Being under a spell never leads to anything good

Two weeks in advance, please

Good news! Lana got promoted again in daycare/pre-school. She’s moving up to another class with older kids because she met her milestones which is so exciting. She got promoted from toddler group back in March and she’s getting promoted again.

Continue reading Two weeks in advance, please

Eat, play, live — Travel edition

Today is Saturday, race day in Le Mans. It’s the reason why I am in France. The day I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. I’ve been seeing signs of my husband’s presence throughout my trip which was been comforting. I am sure he’s happy that I did not cancel this trip.

Continue reading Eat, play, live — Travel edition

Love is all around us

Donation day

Tuesday, April 18th was the day I was looking forward to: donating money to an organization my husband volunteered at. He volunteered for this high school robotics group for a couple of years and it brought him a lot of joy. I proposed an alternate universe where he had a crowd like them and he’d have a better childhood. I dropped by the school on a good day because the robotics team was in Houston for Worlds. They had no idea about the donation. I suspect they’ll learn about the donation when they come back home later this week.

Continue reading Love is all around us